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210-245-7933 Walkers Way Location

726-201-5616 City Base West Location
Your partner in achieving your weight loss goals.

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Weight loss is a long-term program that needs constant monitoring and guidance. Our internists are able to help you lose weight healthily without having to go through surgery. We understand that these types of programs should differ from one person to another as it is both a physical and mental aspect of health.

When you enlist the help of our experts, they are able to help you with:

  • Knowing more about nutrition
  • Creating an exercise regimen fit for your condition
  • Coming up with a nutrition plan
  • Changing your eating habits and your attitude towards eating
  • Developing healthy support systems
  • Managing medications

If you want to know more, you can get in touch with us via phone 210-245-7933 or send us a message.

medical professionals